
What our clients say


Customer Testimonails

We had a vision for our new home and Marquis Customs Homes was able to bring it to life. He really looked after us every step of the way and was nothing but accommodating of our needs at each step of the project. We are in love with our new home.

Ronnie and Mandy Clients
Customer Testimonails

I had the opportunity of marketing on of Marquis Customs Homes most recent projects in White Rock. It was a quick sale as the house was of the highest quality and took into consideration everything the new homeowner would appreciate. As a realtor, I ensure that the homes I put on the market are high quality products. I am confident that the buyers that purchase his homes are getting value for their money. I definitely look forward to working with Marquis Custom Homes in the near future on his upcoming projects.

Brad Nelson Realtor
Customer Testimonails

Marquis construction can't be discussed unless you know the owner Kam Dhami. Kam is a sincere, up front business man who honours and respects those that work with and for him. I have been honoured to design the interior of his home to match the beautiful attention to architectural details. His home construction exudes luxury with beautiful mouldings, custom wallpaper, craftsman kitchen, spacious living, and a recreational area bar none for hosting friends and family. Kam's designs are unique and flow well throughout the home. I would recommend Kam as your builder of choice because he cares about doing his best and being the best at what he undertakes.

Shirley Belzer Langley, BC